I am a dedicated bioinformatics professional with a passion for leveraging data science and reproducible programming to drive transformative research and clinical advancements.
During my Ph.D. journey at Northwestern University, I explored genetic diversity and it’s influence on animal growth and development. Throughout this experience, I honed my analytical skills and became an avid user of the R programming language. I used R to perform statistical analyses, craft detailed visualizations, and generate comprehensive reports - contributing to novel insights in my field.
As a Senior Bioinformatician at Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, I have embraced the opportunity to apply my expertise in real-world scenarios. My role involves performing vital clinical and research bioinformatic analyses, where precision and accuracy are critical. Here, I have expanded my skill set to include bash and Nextflow, empowering me to build and maintain robust pipelines that effectively organize and analyze vast genomic datasets.
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PhD in Quantitative Biology, 2022
Northwestern University
MA in Molecular Biology, 2018
Princeton University
BS in Chemistry | BS in Cell & Molecular Biology, 2017
John Carroll University